Balance is defined as the dynamic process by which the position of the body is maintained in equilibrium. As age increases balance decreases that lead to falls. To improve the balance, land, and pool therapies are used. Studies have shown that land-based exercises improve joint flexibility, muscle strength, balance, and reaction time in an older population. The physical properties of water are an effective rehabilitation program. Water-based exercises provide a viable alternative for the elderly who are unable to participate in land-based exercise programs as water exercise has reduced the risk of falls. The objective of the study is to compare the effect of pool therapy and land therapy on balance in the elderly population. The Study methodology: Quasi-experimental study.30 elderly people between 60-75 years (both male and female) were included in the study based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Tinetti falls efficacy scale questionnaire was given to the subjects and they were asked to fill it and then a timed up and go test was done before and after the exercise protocol. The 30 individuals were divided into 2 groups of 15 members each (Group A and Group B). Group A was given pool therapy and Group B was given land-based therapy for 6 weeks. The results of statistical analysis showed a significant difference between land therapy and pool therapy. This study concludes that pool therapy is more effective in improving balance in the elderly population.
Keywords: pool therapy, balance, land therapy, fall, elderly population
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